add Google Reviews On Squarespace

How to Add Google Reviews to Squarespace Website?

7 minute read

Are you tired of unmanageable review embedding methods or limited customization options? We have all been there.

Although Squarespace offers ways to add reviews to your website, what if we told you we have a smoother tool, that too with more customization options?

This guide explores how to add Google Reviews to Squarespace website and explains the methods to do so.

Get ready to streamline the process, impress website visitors, and boost conversions.

Add Google Reviews On Squarespace Website For FREE!

Google Places

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Google My Business

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| No Credit Card Required |

Add Google Reviews to Squarespace Website For FREE with Simple Steps

Here is how you can embed Google Reviews to Squarespace via Tagbox Widget:

  1. Register: Sign up for a free Tagbox trial to explore its features.
  1. Connect Google My Business Profile: Link your Google My Business profile within Tagbox to pull your reviews.
  1. Design Your Review Feed: Choose a pre-designed template and customize it with fonts, colors, and layouts to match your Squarespace site.
  1. Generate Embed Code: Once you are happy with your design, generate the embed code from Tagbox.
  2. Squarespace Integration (Business Plan+):  In your Squarespace editing view (Business plan or higher), add a “Code” block and paste the Tagbox embed code. Save your changes.

Voila! Your stunning review showcase is live, boosting trust and conversions on your Squarespace website.

Complete Guide: How to Add Google Reviews to Squarespace Website With Tagbox Widget?

Let’s talk about Tagbox Widget, your one-stop review platform for the smoothest embedding and customization process.

Below, we have talked in detail about how to add Google Reviews to Squarespace website for free with Tagbox:

Phase 1 – Add Google Reviews using Taggbox Widget

Step 1: Login or Register to your Tagbox account.

tagbox login

Step 2: Verify your email address to activate your account

Step 3: Choose Tagbox as the tool from the 2 options given.

continue with tagbox

Step 4: From the given network options, choose Google. 

select google reviews

Step 5: Now you need to select your connection type from where you want to aggregate the Google Reviews. You will see Places and My Places. By choosing “Places”, you will be able to aggregate reviews from any location, whereas, by choosing “My Places” you can aggregate reviews from your Google My Business account.

place and my places

Step 6: Enter the name of the “Place” in the box and hit the “Next” Button.

enter name in the box

Tagbox will now fetch the reviews and create the feed.

Phase 2 – Generate The Google Reviews Embed Code

Step 1: Now that your feed is created, choose the customization option for the best look.

check for the best moderation options

You can edit various aspects of the feed, including background color, font size, background image, etc. You can also choose from the various templates to display your content in the best possible way.

customize your feed

Step 2: Moderate your content with advanced AI moderation techniques. Eliminate irrelevant content and prevent duplicate posts from being displayed on your feed. With AI recommendations, you can determine and display the best content for your feed.

moderate your feed

Step 3: Save changes once you are satisfied with how your feed looks.

add google reviews to squarespace

Phase 3: Generate the Embed Code

Step 1: After moderating your feed, Click on Publish.

click on publish

Step 2: From the given options, choose “Embed on Website.”

embed on webpage

Step 3: You will now see a list of CMS platforms, out of which you should choose Squarespace.

copy the embed code

Step 4: Copy the embed code provided.

Phase 4 – Embed the Google Reviews on Squarespace Website

Step 1: Open your Squarespace account.

squarespace website

Step 2: Open the page where you wish to Embed the Widget.

Step 3: Click on the (+) Add Block button and Select the “</>Code” option.

paste the code

Step 4: Paste the Embed code you copied and click on apply.

save the changes

Step 5: Save the changes, and you’re done! You’ve successfully embedded Google Reviews on your Squarespace website. Use this Google Reviews Widget to showcase positive reviews and engage your website visitors.

Super easy, don’t you agree?  The best part is that you can complete the process without any prior coding or technical experience.

Bonus Tip: Tagbox Widget goes beyond Google Reviews! You can also leverage it to showcase testimonials, social media mentions, and other forms of social proof, creating a powerful hub of customer love on your Squarespace site.

Embed Valuable User Reviews On Squarespace Website

Collect Curate Engage

Video Guide: Add Google Reviews On Squarespace Website For Free

Although it is a simple process, do you still want a more precise look? Here is a video tutorial that will get you started instantly!

Benefits Brands Get After Adding Google Reviews On Squarespace Website

1. Build Trust and Credibility

Positive reviews are similar to social proof, an online endorsement from happy customers. The visitors of a website are more likely to trust and work with a company that has good things said about it. Google Reviews is like an online reference where visitors are persuaded that you are genuine.

2. Leverage User-Generated Content 

Customers believe what they see! User-generated content has tremendously helped brands in growing their business. Since Google Reviews are created by the existing users of the brand, it is the most genuine form of content marketing.

One customer always trusts the word of another customer much more than the promotional content of a brand. Hence, when you add Google Reviews to Squarespace’s website using Squarespace Widget, you give your potential customers an insight into how much your products are liked and appreciated. It reveals the way your customers are using your products and are loving the experience.

3. Boost Conversions and Sales

Research on the impact of positive online reviews has demonstrated that such reviews can significantly increase conversion rates. When potential customers read the success stories of other customers, they are likely to follow the next step of buying a product, subscribing to your newsletter, or contacting you for a service.

9 out of 10 customers prefer reading reviews before making a purchase. When you add Google Reviews to Squarespace’s website, you push your customers to explore and read more about your customer stories, leading to more engagement.

4. Enhance the website’s overall presence

A business website is like the representation and face of a brand. Therefore, besides good quality content, it must be aesthetically pleasing too!

Boost the browsing experience of your website visitors by strategically placing a well-designed Google Reviews Widget for Squarespace. Doing so will instantly uplift your website’s overall look, increasing visitors’ dwell time, and reducing your bounce rate.

4. Gain Valuable Customer Insights

Not only do reviews increase sales, but they also provide feedback from the customer. Reading through the content of the Google Reviews, you can see what customers appreciate about your business and what can be improved. This feedback can be a goldmine for improving or making changes to your product, service, and even the overall customer experience.

5. Improve SEO Ranking

Despite the controversy, studies indicate that Google Reviews can be involved in SEO to some extent. Good reviews may increase the website’s ranking, thus enhancing the chances of reaching the target customers who may be searching for products or services offered by the company.

Add Google Reviews On Squarespace Website For FREE!

Google Places

Try Now

Google My Business

Try Now

| No Credit Card Required |

Wrap It Up and Start Adding Google Reviews To Squarespace Website!

Now, it is time to move from the planning phase to the implementation phase. Integrate Google Reviews on Squarespace and watch your website traffic skyrocket. 

Choose your method: the free, manual one or the enhanced Tagbox Widget for a more flexible use of tags. 

This is just a gentle reminder that positive feedback helps create trust, increase the chances of conversion, and highlight the value of your brand. Prepare to amaze website visitors and boost your business’s success!


Simply put, a Google Review Widget is a collection of reviews that are aggregated from your personal Google my business account or any other location registered on Google. Using it, you can display the validation of your customers to instill brand trust and drive more conversions.

Of course, you can! Using a responsive social media aggregator like Taggbox, you can leverage the profanity filter to remove any abusive or irrelevant content from the Google Review widget to ensure top quality of content.

You can easily generate the embed code of the Google Review Widget by clicking on the Get Code option in the Taggbox widget dashboard. Simply copy the code on the clipboard and paste it into the editor of the Squarespace website. To know the step-by-step instructions of getting embed code to effectively embed Google Reviews on Squarespace website, please click here .

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