Sunidhi, Author at Taggbox Blog Taggbox Blog | Discussions on latest Social Media News, Social Media Marketing and Management Tue, 06 Aug 2024 12:39:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sunidhi, Author at Taggbox Blog 32 32 User-Generated Content (UGC) A Part Of Your Social Media Strategy Wed, 24 Apr 2024 05:56:03 +0000 Social media marketing started with brands publishing their branded content to expand their reach and redirect traffic to their websites. Well, the tables have turned.  With 63% of the world population (13+) as active social media users, marketers have started building new social media marketing strategies to expand the growth possibilities for brands. Lately, user-generated […]

The post User-Generated Content (UGC) A Part Of Your Social Media Strategy appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Social media marketing started with brands publishing their branded content to expand their reach and redirect traffic to their websites. Well, the tables have turned. 

With 63% of the world population (13+) as active social media users, marketers have started building new social media marketing strategies to expand the growth possibilities for brands.

Lately, user-generated content has been gaining immense popularity. We see a rapidly growing culture of common social media users creating diverse content, offering brands free access to the content they can repurpose.

So, the real question is, how does user-generated content work on social media?

User-generated Content & Social Media Go Hand-in-hand

User-generated content is the most authentic and reliable content you can find on the internet today. That’s because it comes from genuine brand users. In fact, 92% of users trust recommendations shared by brand consumers more than advertisements.

User-generated Content Social Media

User-generated content is diverse on social media. It can be an Instagram Reel, a Snapchat story, a Facebook review, or a testimonial tweet on Twitter. If it comes from a genuine buyer sharing their real-life experience with a brand, believe it or not, it holds the power to influence the purchase decision of your potential customers.

When user-generated content becomes an avid part of your social media marketing strategy, it gives a human touch to your brand, and more users find your content relatable. UGC helps you to stand out among the competitors, encouraging prospects always to choose you.

Keep reading, and we’ll give you more reasons to incorporate UGC into your social media marketing strategy.

Why Brands Must Incorporate UGC In Social Media Marketing?

If you are looking for reasons for why you should leverage UGC in your social media marketing strategy, allow us to offer some.

UGC Brings Content Diversity

User-generated content is created by people who come from diverse backgrounds and have had their fair share of experiences with your brand. Their way of expressing themselves is also unique.

When you incorporate UGC as your main social media content, you get to offer your audience something unique and vibrant each time you share content. Your content diversity intrigues your audience who engage with you and always look forward to your marketing campaigns, accelerating your engagement rate like never before.

UGC Builds Transparency

With so many brands rising on social media, users find it difficult to choose. But when you add user-generated content to your social media marketing strategy, it comes with transparency and authenticity, helping your brand stand out. 

User-generated content is created by an experienced customer who is not being paid for it. They create it willingly and express themselves on social media, and that’s exactly what makes UGC raw. It builds trust among your prospects and helps them make more confident purchase decisions.

UGC Inspire Consumers

A common consumer finds user-generated content more relatable than any branded content. That’s because when they see someone like them using a product, the real-life experience of a peer inspires them and encourages them to tap the “buy now” button.

UGC Inspire Consumers

As per a consumer insight report, 1 in 4 individuals purchases after seeing a product in a user’s Instagram story. People look up to the experiences of the past users of the brand to determine whether or not they would want to introduce its products into their lifestyle; this helps generate a greater point of inspiration and engagement over branded content.

UGC Creates Social Proof

Social proof is a major aspect of social media. It is a mere factor that encourages content creation among common users. Whenever there is a new social media trend, we all have to find users and often copy it and create content around it.

UGC Creates Social Proof for your brand

That’s exactly what user-generated content does. It instills social proof among your audiences. When your customer sees user-generated content in your social media marketing campaigns, they get impressed by how you have given a stage to your customers’ voices. It encourages them to create content for you, giving you more UGC to repurpose.

Additionally, social media statistics hint that more users trust recommendations shared by brand consumers more than advertisements. User-generated content, with its authenticity and relatability, holds the power to influence the purchase decisions of your potential customers.

Collect, Manage, and Repurpose UGC

Explore UGC Suite→

Strategically Incorporate UGC On Social Media

Now that you know the importance of user-generated content on social media, let’s look at some strategies that can help you to create result-driven social media marketing campaigns.

Repost On Your Business Accounts

User-generated content offers content diversity, so when you upload it to your social media business accounts, you can offer unique content to your social audience. 

ugc for social media

It will encourage your customers to engage with your content and share it with their friends and family members. 

Adding user-generated content generates interest in your audience to engage with your content. As many people engage with you on social media, it reaches more people, helping you to expand your business’s reach.

Create Social Media Ads

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer paid promotions. These promotions are target-specific. You get to modify your promotions as per your target audience, with various ages, gender, location, and keyword filters to ensure that you get the perfect ROI. 

You can use UGC to Create Social Media Ads

The drawback is that these promotions are accessible to every business account on these social media platforms, making social media crowded with social ads that users tend to ignore and skip. 

So how will you manage to sustain? Well, your answer is user-generated content. When users get tired of skipping the branded and other photoshopped content, user-generated content is what will captivate them, generate interest in them to engage, and take positive actions on your social ads.

Turn Your Social UGC Shoppable

If you are an e-commerce brand well-versed in the latest trends, you must have heard of Shoppable Instagram, Facebook Shop, or Pinterest Buyable Pins

These are some of the newly added features on your favorite social media platforms to turn your social business accounts into shoppable storefronts where you can turn your product pictures into shoppable, enabling customers to make direct purchases from the social media platform without having to go to another website.

ugc social media post

Now, all this seems promising, but to generate sales, you still want your audience to trust you. Not to mention that it is common consumer behavior to look for reviews or real-life experiences before making any online purchase decisions. 

Why not leverage UGC created by your customers who have purchased with you and tag these posts as shoppable? When you do so, you eliminate your potential customers’ review-hunting step and prompt them to make more confident and quicker purchase decisions, helping you improve your conversion rate like never before.

Add Social Media Widgets On Website

When it comes to social media marketing, your boundaries don’t have to be confined within social media walls. You can expand them to other consumer touchpoints, like websites. 

In the marketing funnel, if social media is the step to reach your target audience, your website is the part where you welcome your target audience, as that’s where they reach when they want to learn about your brand.

embed social media widget on your website

Why not create a good impression and offer them something they would find relatable, trustworthy, and engaging? While social media widgets allow you to embed your preferred social media content on your website, you can use this strategy to leverage the user-generated content created by your customers to your website. 

This strategy will not only improve your social media presence but also your website’s performance and dwell time as website visitors stay longer to engage with the UGC.

UGC Social Media Marketing Best Practices

Always Take UGC Rights

Taking UGC rights from your audience before you repost their content is important. When someone creates content on social media, they are the owner of that content, and if you don’t take their permission before using it, they have the right to take legal action against you.

Take UGC rights from your audience

Why face any hassles when you can sign a user rights agreement with them and peacefully repurpose their content for your marketing campaigns.

Credit The Content Creator

Giving the due credits is important when you are repurposing your customers’ content. You can either tag them directly on the post or mention them in the caption. When you do so, your customers feel important, and they will always be ready to create more UGC for you.

Give the due credits to the content creators

You also humanize your social media campaign. When other users visit the content owners’ profiles and see that it is just a common user like them, it evokes their emotions. It builds trust, and they relate more with your brand.

Run Hashtag Contests

Running a hashtag contest is a result-driven practice if your audience wants to create content for you. The best part is that you get to direct your audience to the kind of content you want them to create and reward them for their efforts.

Run hashtag contest

As your audience participates and creates UGC for you, it reaches more people and instills social proof in them to participate in the hashtag contest. So, not only do you get to expand your brand’s social media presence, but you also get to increase the number of user-generated content for you.

Collaborate With Influencers

Influencers are a major part of social media. 49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations when making lifestyle choices. That’s the kind of impact these influencers hold. This presents a great opportunity to get your audience to create UGC for you. 

Collaboration with social media influencers

You can collaborate with an influencer who would create a video or picture with your products following a social media trend. Make sure to choose an influencer having an audience similar to your target audience. It will influence your audience to follow the trend and create UGC with your products, offering you more UGC than ever before.

Final Word

User-generated content helps brands connect with their audience better and create a seamless flow of conversation between the brand and its customers. Not only that, but user-generated content also offers brands social listening that helps them to understand their customers’ needs better and offer them better.

On that note, we reach the end of this blog. This was your intuitive guide on utilizing user-generated content as a social media marketing strategy. It’s time to revamp your social media marketing strategy with the UGC pallet already!

Don’t forget to explore various UGC platforms to streamline content sourcing and management for maximum efficiency.

Manage All UGC from Different Platforms at One Place

Explore UGC Suite→

The post User-Generated Content (UGC) A Part Of Your Social Media Strategy appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

20+ Best Instagram Growth Tools Every Marketer Should Use Wed, 24 Apr 2024 05:28:26 +0000 Instagram has over 800 million monthly active users. It is a tremendously loved social media platform by users, brands, and businesses alike.  Posting engaging and informative content may be one thing, but getting your content’s reach across the target audience and boosting your growth and interaction while increasing your follower base daily is a task. […]

The post 20+ Best Instagram Growth Tools Every Marketer Should Use appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Instagram has over 800 million monthly active users. It is a tremendously loved social media platform by users, brands, and businesses alike. 

Posting engaging and informative content may be one thing, but getting your content’s reach across the target audience and boosting your growth and interaction while increasing your follower base daily is a task. Improvise your Instagram marketing strategies and results with these promising Instagram marketing tools that we’re interpreting today. 

20+ Top Instagram Marketing Tools

These are 20 of our favorites Instagram growth tools that have proven successful results. Strategize your marketing efforts, reach out to your audience for real and achieve optimal results.

1. Taggbox

Taggbox is a user-generated content platform that collects content from Instagram and various other social media channels to showcase across all marketing touchpoints. They aggregate the content by your customers who have posted using your branded hashtag and handle.

Instagram marketing tools

Taggbox provides a filter feature to filter out irrelevant or repeated posts. Most importantly, they have a rights management feature that takes permission from the customer on your behalf to use their content. Making your entire experience smooth and hassle-free. 

2. AI Clips by Simplified


Simplified is a popular AI platform designed for content creators and social media agencies. Among its standout features are the AI video generators, which enable creators to produce faceless videos and AI-driven content swiftly—often in under a minute. 

For those dealing with longer video content, Simplified offers a unique capability to repurpose these into engaging short Instagram reels quickly and efficiently using the AI clips feature that comes with subtitles and a captions generator. Simplified significantly reduces the time and effort traditionally required for video creation, making it an indispensable asset for marketers looking to streamline their content creation process.


Instagram tools

VSCO is a remarkable photo-editing platform that allows its users to edit photos online. Instagram as a social channel is about showcasing aesthetic pictures. VSCO offers a variety of filters to users to enhance their photos and make their pictures stand out.

To boost your marketing strategy involving spectacular photos, you must consider incorporating this Instagram tool into your marketing approach.

4. Repost

Instagram tools for marketing

Repost is a popular Instagram marketing tool that empowers brands to share user-generated content. Customers often share pictures of themselves using a brand’s product/services. Here, brands can make use of this user-generated content for their marketing approach by reposting those posts.

5. Social Insight

best instagram tools for marketers

Social Insight is an Instagram marketing tool that provides you with an in-depth analysis of your Instagram business. This is useful for businesses on Instagram to examine their growth, reach, interaction, engagement, follower analytics, etc. See the best time to post, reports on followers gained and lost, link multiple business accounts, and much more.

6. Crowdfire

instagram tools for business

Crowdfire is a tool that supports managing your followers and related activities. The tool is exceptionally handy for any business that’s trying to expand their followers and for the analysis of their reach and engagement. This tool provides a smart recommendation of users interested in your product/services and suggests you follow them. 

7. Grum

instagram marketing tool

Grum is an easy-to-use marketing tool that helps you schedule the posting time of your Instagram photos and videos. It lets you tag other users, and you can schedule posts for multiple accounts at one time. Grum makes switching between different accounts an easy task for you.

8. Awario

instagram marketer

Awario, a social media monitoring tool, can be very helpful for your brand. It finds mentions of your brand, analyzes the mentions, and tells you who your brand advocates and who are the right influencers for your brand. Moreover, what people have to say about your brand or what image your brand has on the internet.

9. Buffer

instagram advertising tools

Buffer, like Grum, is also a scheduling app that helps you schedule your posts; what makes it different is that it is not just based on Instagram but works on multiple social media platforms. You can publish customized messages across different platforms and review the engagement, impressions, and clicks per post.

10. Hashtags For Like

Hashtags are a very crucial element of social media. Using the right hashtags to reach your target audience is another important factor. Hashtags for like helps you in that area as they provide you with trending hashtags that will work best with your Instagram posts to enhance your reach.

11. Canva

best Instagram marketing tools

Canva is a designing tool that fits every type of business or creator. It has tools that help you create perfect story templates and graphics to create eye-catching content for the users. Not just that, if you are at a starting stage and you want to create a unique logo for your brand, then Canva is your one-stop shop.

12. Plann

top instagram marketing tools

Plann is the ultimate Instagram management tool. It helps you with designing, editing, scheduling, and analyzing your posts. Rearrange, organize, crop, and schedule your Instagram stories. All exciting stats are available. You get the best times to post, hashtags best for you, and some of the best-performing color schemes. You can also collaborate with other marketers.

13. Unfold: Story Creator

tools for instagram marketing

Unfold: Story Creator is an iOS app that helps you give a professional look to your content. This is a free app that provides stylish templates, advanced fonts, and text tools and exports your stories in high resolution, ready to share on many platforms besides Instagram.

Also Read – Easy Methods to Save Instagram Stories

14. Picodash

Picodash is an Instagram tool that enables you to download stories. It also helps you finds target audiences and type of influencers on Instagram. It lets you export Instagram followers, and following lists of your competitors, relevant hashtag users, location or venue specified posts, comments, or likes of a specific post by various users.

Picodash can be a valuable tool for increasing your Instagram followers by providing insights and analytics to help you optimize your content and engagement strategies.

15. Sendible

tools instagram marketing

Sendible works on all the social media platforms and collaborates with other tools like Canva to give you better performance. Sendible works with scheduling and monitoring mentions, tracking the performance of your Instagram posts, and teaming up with other marketers to work along with them on your Instagram marketing goals.

16. Pablo

Pablo is another app made by Buffer. It helps you create aesthetic pictures for your Instagram posts. Like Canva, Pablo has many photos, templates, and themes to choose from that are customizable as per your needs.

17. SocialBee

post on instagram

As a robust social media marketing tool, SocialBee can be used to manage your Instagram accounts every step of the way. You can schedule and share single images, carousels, videos, reels, and stories, or you can create your posts using the AI post generator, Canva, Unsplash, and Giphy integrations. Additionally, you can track essential metrics for your posts and accounts to understand your audience and measure your growth.

18. SocialRank

instagram marketing tools

SocialRank is an Instagram marketing tool that analyzes your followers and enables you to look at them closely. It helps you search profiles using keywords amongst your followers, and you also get the option of exporting their details as a PDF. Compare different accounts with market intelligence and find influencers with an audience similar to your target audience.

19. Soldsie

Soldsie is a very useful eCommerce platform as it helps you bring in traffic, click, conversions, and more sales on Instagram. It provides the user the facility to make a purchase just by commenting on the image of any of the products they like. They will then be directed to make the payment using PayPal verified account or WePay.

20. Sked Social

instagram tools

Sked Social is another important tool for Instagram marketing as it helps you schedule your posts prior. You can edit, resize and select the caption for your post and set the time when you would like to post it. Sked Social also works on multiple Instagram accounts at a time, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

21. Snoopreport

Instagram tools for marketing

Snoopreport is a useful Instagram marketing tool, as it gives you an insight into engagements, interactions, and conversions. It makes account monitoring easy for you and helps you identify, segregate, and manage your followers. 

22. Hootsuite

best Instagram tools for marketers

Hootsuite helps you post pictures and videos to Instagram directly from Hootsuite. It is easy to schedule your posts with Hootsuite while you save time and drive engagements. It helps you use multiple Instagram accounts at once so that you can plan and execute your marketing campaigns. Track your competitors, customers, and industry hashtags with Hootsuite.

Also Read: Best 5 Tools To Embed Instagram Feed On Website

Over To You

We come to the end of this blog, and we have given you a list of 20 Instagram Marketing tools you can use to bring up your game in marketing.

The post 20+ Best Instagram Growth Tools Every Marketer Should Use appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

What is a UGC Creator and How to Become One + Pricing Tue, 23 Apr 2024 09:18:34 +0000 In this ever-changing digital world, the role of a UGC creator holds tremendous potential for aspiring individuals like you. Join us on this blog as we explore the path to becoming a UGC creator, uncover the latest trends, and provide practical insights to kickstart your journey. Get ready to unlock your potential and embark on […]

The post What is a UGC Creator and How to Become One + Pricing appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

In this ever-changing digital world, the role of a UGC creator holds tremendous potential for aspiring individuals like you.

Join us on this blog as we explore the path to becoming a UGC creator, uncover the latest trends, and provide practical insights to kickstart your journey. Get ready to unlock your potential and embark on the rewarding path of a creator!

What Is A UGC Creator?

A UGC Creator is someone who makes user-generated content. That means they create videos, pictures, or posts that others can see and interact with on social media platforms or websites. They’re regular people who make content for fun to share their thoughts, ideas, or creativity with others online.

What is a UGC Creator?

How to Become a UGC Creator (6 Steps Guide)

Here are the steps to become a UGC Creator:

1. Niche Identification and Passion Alignment

Becoming a successful UGC creator begins with identifying a niche that aligns with your passions and expertise. Whether it’s cooking, fashion, travel, or gaming, choosing a niche you’re passionate about lays the foundation for creating authentic and engaging content. As you embark on your creative journey, consider exploring different aspects within your chosen realm to find your niche and establish a more distinctive and engaging presence.

2. Choosing Optimal Platforms and Tools

Selecting the right platforms is crucial. Popular options like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and blogs offer distinct opportunities for UGC creation. Each platform has its unique audience and content format, so identifying the one that best suits your niche is key. Additionally, leveraging content creator tools and AI tools such as content writers, rank-tracking software, and analytics software can amplify your content strategy.

3. Crafting an Effective UGC Strategy

Creating a robust UGC strategy involves outlining the type of content you’ll produce, the frequency of posts, and your desired style or tone. Understanding your audience and their preferences is essential in crafting content that resonates and engages effectively.

4. Creating Engaging and High-Quality Content

Your content should be compelling, informative, and visually appealing. High-quality videos, images, and well-crafted text are essential for capturing and retaining your audience’s attention. Consistency and uniqueness in your content creation process are crucial to standing out.

5. Building a Portfolio and Establishing Trust

As you develop your content, building a portfolio becomes crucial. Showcasing your work helps establish trust with your audience and potential collaborators. Consistent quality and authenticity in your content contribute significantly to gaining credibility within your niche.

6. Collaboration and Outreach to Brands

Collaborating with brands can be a milestone in your UGC creator journey. But before that, meeting platform-specific eligibility criteria is essential. For instance, YouTube requires a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months before monetization. Understanding and meeting these platform-specific requirements are vital steps toward brand collaborations.

How Much Do UGC Creators Make?

Determining the exact income of UGC creators is difficult as it varies vastly depending on several factors. However, here’s a general breakdown to give you an idea:

Factors influencing income:

  • Follower/Audience Size: Creators with larger and more engaged audiences typically command higher fees.
  • Content Quality and Niche: High-quality content in a specific niche with high demand can lead to higher rates.
  • Brand Partnerships and Collaborations: Brands typically pay creators for sponsored content based on various factors, such as audience reach and engagement.
  • Platform: Different platforms might have varying monetization options and overall earning potential for creators.
  • Content-Type: Creating videos often commands higher fees than static content like photos.

Estimates and Averages:

  • Influencer marketing platform LeaLi suggests earning ranges based on follower count:
    • 10,000 followers: $100 per 60-second video
    • 100,000 followers: $500 per 60-second video
    • 1 million+ followers: $2,500 per 60-second video
  • Taggbox estimates the average UGC creator will charge $520 in 2024, emphasizing that this is a rough guide.
  • ZipRecruiter provides annual salary ranges for UGC Content Creators in the US:
    • Top Earners: $128,000
    • 75th Percentile: $128,000
    • Average: $116,615
    • 25th Percentile: $123,000

Important Points:

  • These figures are estimates and averages, not guarantees. Individual creator earnings can be significantly higher or lower.
  • Successful UGC creators diversify their income streams beyond content creation, including affiliate marketing, coaching, or social media management.

Why Brands Prioritize UGC Creators Today?

Below are a few reasons about the importance of UGC Creator for a brand:

1. Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency in Content Creation

User-generated content (UGC) is a cost-effective solution for brands in today’s dynamic marketing landscape. Recent industry reports indicate a staggering 30-50% cost reduction compared to traditional content creation methods. This efficiency translates to substantial savings in time and resources, empowering brands to allocate their budgets more strategically across various marketing channels.

2. Enhancing Brand Authenticity and Trust

Consumer trust and authenticity play pivotal roles in brand success. Studies show that over 85% of consumers find UGC more authentic and trustworthy than brand-created content. This heightened credibility significantly impacts brand image and fosters stronger connections with the audience, leading to increased loyalty and advocacy.

3. Influence on Purchasing Decisions and Audience Engagement

 The influence of user-generated content (UGC) on purchasing decisions and audience engagement in digital signage is undeniable. Conversion rates see a remarkable 20-30% uplift when UGC is integrated into digital signage marketing strategies. Additionally, engagement metrics consistently demonstrate a 75% higher interaction rate with UGC in digital signage than conventional promotional materials, showcasing the unparalleled ability of user-generated content to captivate audiences in this medium.

4. Statistics and Metrics on UGC Impact

Recent studies by leading market research firms affirm the tangible impact of UGC on brand marketing. Reports from Nielsen and Forrester substantiate that over 70% of consumers consider UGC reviews and content instrumental in their purchasing decisions, underscoring its pivotal role in influencing consumer behavior.

5. Incorporate Data on Consumer Trust, Engagement Rates, and Conversion

Consumer trust metrics reflect a compelling narrative: 92% of individuals trust recommendations from peers over branded content. Engagement rates further support this trend, with UGC yielding an average of 25-35% higher engagement across social media platforms. Notably, conversion numbers depict a significant uptick of 20-30% in sales attributed to UGC-driven campaigns.

UGC Pricing: See What Platforms are Offering to their UGC Creators

On average, UGC creator charges $520 in 2024. However, this number can vary depending on the platform. A platform-wise list is provided below; do check it out!

Social Media PlatformAverage UGC Creator Fees for Brand Videos
YouTube$2,000 – $10,000+
Instagram$500 – $5,000+
TikTok$500 – $5,000+
Facebook$500 – $2,000+
Twitter$200 – $2,000+
Pinterest $200 – $2,000+

These figures are estimates only and should be taken as a rough guide. The fees charged by UGC creators may vary significantly based on factors such as the creator’s reputation, audience size, engagement rates, content quality, and the scope of the brand’s campaign.

How are UGC Creators Different from Influencers?

There are distinct differences worth noting between UGC creators and influencers. UGC creators prioritize authenticity, content ownership, creative control, community engagement, and diverse monetization approaches. In contrast, fashion influencers often focus on brand promotion, may sacrifice authenticity, have limited creative control, and rely heavily on brand partnerships. 

While there can be an overlap between UGC creators and Influencers, the key distinction lies in the emphasis on authenticity, content ownership, creative control, community engagement, and monetization approaches.

Why Have Brands Started Investing In UGC Creators?

Building trust in this age of marketing requires seller transparency and multichannel outreach. Today, this has become possible with user-generated content creators. That’s because UGC is authentic and compatible with every marketing scenario, like social ads, email marketing, product marketing, event marketing, etc.

Calculate Your Monthly Savings with UGC Value Calculator

Required Posts Per Month?


Monthly Influencer Marketing Budget


Monthly Savings with UGC


The idea of user-generated content is to showcase a real-life brand experience, and brands are all up for it, but they want a good amount of UGC. So, how can they generate that? That’s when UGC creators come to the rescue.

Here are a few reasons why brands need UGC Creators:

1. UGC Creator Can Be Cost-effective

UGC content creation is often cost-effective because it reduces the need for brands to create content from scratch. Brands can leverage consumers’ content, saving them time, money, and resources.

2. UGC Creator Creates Exactly What You Want

User-generated content (UGC) is beneficial in many ways. It serves as social proof and elevates the brand’s authenticity to another level. However, not all UGC created by your customers will be reusable. When you invest in a UGC content creator, you can be assured that you get the right content to capture your audience correctly.

3. It Helps Gain A Real Audience 

When real people speak about your brand, honest people start listening to your brand. Gone are the days when brands would market to people. And their voices are speaking about their services or products. When we compare UGC with traditional advertisements, user-generated content acts as a magnet. Consumers find brands with user-generated content at least 60% more credible. 

4. User-Generated Content Is More Trustworthy

Consumers love to resonate and are likely to spend more easily on brands others discuss. If a brand sells all-sizes inclusive clothing, customers want to see people like them wearing those clothes. Trust is conditional, whether in life or with marketing and earning that trust comes hard and fast when it’s a recommendation from people they know or resonate with. It has even been noted that 92% of people are more likely to trust a recommendation from another person over branded content. 

5. User-Generated Content Feels More Human And Less Robotic

It’s 2024, and people are tired of hearing brands talk about themselves, and user-generated content majorly changes that. It gives a more human and less robotic feel to the brand. Showcasing UGC created by UGC creators gives your potential customers or audience a genuine view of your business. A positive review, an aesthetically clicked picture, or a descriptive video can add more weight and emotions to your brand than any other marketing gimmick in 2024.

6. User-generated content Encourages The Audience To Make Quicker Purchase Decisions

User-generated content accurately represents the brand to its customers. This representation has a 70% better chance of impacting the viewers and grabbing the attention of new customers than any other form of a traditional ad.

Now, this impact is what persuades your audience or buyer to take action. It could be as simple as a review with attached images or a story post on Instagram; when people see real people unassociated with the brand talking about it, they get inspired. A brand can make specific promises to its customers, but it’s the biggest win if a stranger can vouch for them! 

Share Your Moments, Gain the Spotlight

Join Taggbox as a UGC Creator!

How To Find The Right UGC Creators For Your Brand’s Marketing Campaign?

When it comes to an already built famous brand, it is much easier to find user-generated content as clients already post about them. But, for a new brand or a brand trying to launch a new product/concept in the market, finding user-generated content can be a tough job. That’s when investing in a UGC creator can be the right strategy. Here are a few ways brands can find a UGC creator:

1. Find The Right UGC Creator With Taggbox

Taggbox is a user-generated content platform that enables brands to collect, curate, and leverage user-generated content across different marketing touchpoints. Not just that, Taggbox also allows you to track the performance of your UGC campaigns

With the in-depth analytics offered by Taggbox, you can quickly identify the most influential contributors to your brands and the users most frequently post about them. 

They might not have an influential reach on social media, but they might be your ideal UGC creators. So connect with them and pitch them to be your UGC creators. You can also send out a direct UGC request to these users from Taggbox, making the whole process easy for you.

2. Measure The UGC Creator’s Influence & Reach

As a brand, it’s quite the opposite of what you do while looking for an influencer. For influencers, we need to ensure that they have a good set of followers and reach and that their audience is similar to your target audience.

For UGC creators, you need to find UGC Creators with few followers who don’t usually post on their accounts, which means their reach is much less than that of an influencer. This is how you can differentiate between an influencer and a UGC creator.

3. Ask About Recent Work/Portfolio

Every UGC creator maintains a portfolio, whether as a writer, video producer, or illustrator. You can ask the creator for their portfolio before investing in them. You can also ask them for their past work URLs, even if they don’t have a portfolio. This will help you measure their credibility. 

You will get an idea of the content you can expect from them and whether they are compatible with your brand needs.


We have come a long way from searching why brands need user-generated content (UGC) to why brands need a user-generated food content creator. Yet, authenticity is still the key, and UGC is the catalyst. 

The idea of a UGC creator might make you want to sign and wonder why these marketers have to monetize everything. But that’s not the case. 

The emergence of the UGC creator community has given more people the power to create UGC for brands. UGC creators have become the ideal solution for brands struggling with UGC marketing due to the lack of UGC available.

So, this was your guide on what a UGC creator is. This opportunity is new. How about giving it a try ?

Explore the wide array of UGC platforms available to find the perfect fit for your content creation journey.

Join Our Community Of UGC Creators Now!

Get A Chance To Connect With Global Brands

The post What is a UGC Creator and How to Become One + Pricing appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

How To Embed Instagram Reels On Website for Free? Tue, 23 Apr 2024 05:44:15 +0000 Instagram Reels is a short-form video feature on the Instagram platform for creating and sharing engaging, creative, and entertaining videos. Embedding Instagram Reels on Website can lead to a remarkable organic traffic surge of up to 157%, leveraging the power of engaging video. Videos on Reels leave a lasting impression, with 80% of users recalling […]

The post How To Embed Instagram Reels On Website for Free? appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Instagram Reels is a short-form video feature on the Instagram platform for creating and sharing engaging, creative, and entertaining videos.

Embedding Instagram Reels on Website can lead to a remarkable organic traffic surge of up to 157%, leveraging the power of engaging video.

Videos on Reels leave a lasting impression, with 80% of users recalling videos from the past month, enhancing user retention on your website.

Would you like to embed Instagram Reels on Website🎥?

With easy-to-follow steps, you can have your favorite Instagram content on website 📷within minutes.

Embed Instagram Reels On Your Website Now!

  • Instagram Reels Widget

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How to Embed Instagram Reels on Website?

In this blog we have covered two methods to embed Instagram on website for free.

  1. Manually – Recommended to Embed Single Post
  2. Automatic Update – Recommended to showcase multiple reels on website

Method 1: Embed Instagram Reels Manually

Instagram gives its users the option of embedding posts. The only restriction is that you are only able to embed a single post at a time, as opposed to other embedding solutions that let you add a full visual gallery to your website.

Here’s how you can embed Reels posts into your site one by one:

  1. Open on your desktop
  2. Click on the reel your want to embed
  3. Click on the three dots (…) and pop-up will appear.
  4. Click on embed option and copy paste it on your website.
embed instagram reel

This is How Instagram Reel Widget Looks Like –

Method 2: Easily Embed Instagram Reels On Website [Auto-Update]

To display the Instagram reel on website for free follow the simple step by step guide mentioned below:

  1. Create Taggbox account, and click on “Add feed” section
  2. Choose “Instagram” and enter the “Reel” URL.
  3. Click on “Publish” button and copy the Instagram reel embed code.
  4. Now, login to your website and choose the webpage you want to embed Instagram reels.
  5. Paste the code and click on “Update” button.
  6. Tada! You have successfully create Instagram Reel Widget on your website.

Isn’t it easy? Embedding Instagram reel on website is 3 mins process. Yes, if you need detailed guide read the blog or watch the video tutorial.

Step to Embed Instagram Reels on website with UGC Platform

Step 1 – Add Instagram Reels With Taggbox Widget

1. Create a FREE Taggbox Widget account or log in to your Taggbox Widget Account. You will be redirected to the Widget Dashboard.

embed Instagram reels on website

2. Click on “Add Social Feeds”

how to embed Instagram reels on website

Step 2 – Select the Instagram Reels Option

1. Choose “Instagram” as your source to collect the Reels using Instagram aggregator.

2. Check the “Only Reels” option in the hashtag(#), handle(@), mentions(@), videos, and personal account source types from the following options.

  • Hashtag(#): Curate live Instagram hashtag feed with your chosen hashtag.
  • Handle(@): Put your user handle to collect Instagram reels from the specific Instagram profile.
  • Mentions(@): Curate reels from various posts where your profile username is mentioned.
  • Videos: Fetch all your Instagram videos all at once using your user handle.
  • Personal Account: Choose the reels option in the below checkbox and tap on “Connect Instagram” button to get an aggregated feed of your reels.

Step 3 – Generate the Instagram Reels Embed Code

  • Click on “Publish” button from the responsive website widget editor screen & choose your Website Building Platform, and adjust the height & width of your widget.
  • Copy the embed Instagram Reel Code and paste it on the backend of your website.

How to Embed Instagram Reels on Any Website?

Sharing Instagram Reels instantly grab your visitors’ interest and create a memorable experience. In this section, we will take a look at a number of website building platforms on which you can embed Instagram Reels.

Showcase Instagram Reels On HTML 

Showcase Instagram Reels On HTML 
  • Get started by signing in to your HTML admin account and redirecting to the page or section where you wish to embed your content. 
  • Next, go to the backend section of your page/section and paste the copied embed code into the provided section. 
  • Lastly, click on the Apply button to add Instagram widget on HTML.

Embed Instagram Reels On WordPress

Add Instagram Reels On WordPress

Using WordPress HTML Editor

  • Start by logging into your WordPress account and redirecting to the section where you wish to embed the Instagram reels. 
  • Choose the visual and text option available on the right side of the webpage. 
  • Choose the Text mode. 
  • Paste the copied embed code in the field area provided in the section. 
  • To finish off the process, click on the Update option to save the changes.

Embed Instagram Reels Using Instagram WordPress Plugin

You have the benefit of using the Taggbox Widget WordPress plugin if you have chosen WordPress as your CMS platform. To make the plugin functional, just search for it in the WordPress directory, install it, and then activate it. 

With this plugin, you can easily stream video content from your Instagram Reels to your WordPress website

Embed Instagram Reel Widget
Free Trial

How to Embed Instagram Reels on Google Sites?

embed Instagram Reels on Google Sites
  • Sign in to your Google Site Account.
  • On dashboard, go to Insert Tab and select <> embed option.
  • Paste the embed code and click on Next button.
  • Click on the Publish Button to embed Instagram on google sites.

Instagram Reels Embed On Shopify

Display Instagram Reel Widget On Shopify
  • Begin by logging into your Shopify account. 
  • Select the online stores option present under the sales channel section. 
  • Choose Themes from the drop-down menu. 
  • Click on the Action button. 
  • In the drop-down list, select the Edit code option. 
  • Choose the section where you want to embed the Instagram reels. 
  • Paste the embed code in the provided section and save the changes! 

Add Instagram Reels On Squarespace 

Instagram Reels On Squarespace 
  • Log into your Squarespace account to embed instagram reels on squarespace
  • Tap on the +Add/Edit block. 
  • Choose </> code from the pop up options. 
  • Paste the copied code in the given section. 
  • Click on the Done option to save the changes! 
Embed Instagram Reel Widget
Free Trial

Embed Instagram Reels On Wix 

Instagram Reels on wix Website
  • Start by logging into your Wix account. 
  • Redirect and click on the + button on the left side of the webpage. 
  • Select the More option. 
  • Next, select HTML iFrames from the embeds section. 
  • Paste the copied embed code into the code field provided by the platform. 
  • Finally, click on the Apply button to save the changes to add reels on wix

Embed Instagram Reels On Weebly 

Instagram Reels on Weebly Website
  • Begin by logging into your Weebly account. 
  • Navigate to the embed code element. 
  • Utilize the drag and drop where you wish to add Instagram reels on weebly website
  • Select the HTML box. 
  • Choose the Edit Custom HTML option. 
  • Paste the copied embed code in the given section. 
  • Lastly, save the changes to complete the process. 

Integrate Instagram Reels Widget On Jimdo 

Instagram Reels on jimdo Website
  • Log into your Jimdo admin account. 
  • Click on the Add Element option. 
  • Click on More elements 
  • Select Widget/HTML 
  • Paste the embed code in the area or section where you want to embed the Instagram reels.
  • Click on Save to apply the changes

Now that we have thoroughly understood the process of embedding Instagram reels on websites let’s have a look at the websites on which you can embed Instagram reels.

Embed Reels on Website like a Pro using Taggbox Widget

I. Diverse Theme Selection for Captivating Widgets

Our platform offers a rich array of themes designed to craft visually appealing video widgets. These themes are adaptable to various formats, ensuring your widget blends effortlessly with your website’s needs. 

Our collection of free themes is meticulously designed to engage users and drive conversions. These themes are not only responsive and quick to load, but they also offer an extensive range of customization options.

II. Tailored Customization for Expressive Widgets

Taggbox empowers you to create dynamic widgets enriched with an array of features, including background, banner, card style, CTA, SnapUp, and more. Delve into the intricacies of these features, elaborated below:

customize Instagram reel widget
  • CTA: Elevate user experience by adding a ‘Call-to-Action’ button to your Instagram posts, guiding them seamlessly through your sales funnel.
  • Custom CSS: Infuse your preferred design and layout into Instagram feeds by harnessing the potential of the Custom CSS option.
  • Banner: Design a personalized template by infusing colors, text, and icons into your banner image, or even upload an image of your choice.
  • Background: Effortlessly sync your widget’s background with your website’s theme by opting for transparency or crafting a custom background.
  • Card Style: Mold the card style of your widget to perfection by customizing colors, text, icons, and social sharing options, all complemented by CTA buttons.
  • SnapUp: Empower users to contribute content, feedback, and ratings to your on-site Instagram widget, fostering engagement.

At Taggbox, we provide a comprehensive suite of customization tools that ensure your widgets stand out, aligning perfectly with your branding and fostering user interaction.

III. Features:

  • Real-time Updates – Real-time updates keep your content current and dynamic, reflecting changes as they happen
  • Lite Code – Load things quickly and put them into your website easily
  • Easy Setup – No need to do complicated coding. Just follow 5 easy steps
  • Automatic Updates – Keeps your content new with real-time updates
  • Google Analytics – Taggbox helps you integrate Google Analytics with your website to help you with information about your Instagram content, like how many views and impressions.
  • Content Moderation and Filtering – Effortlessly manage unwanted content and highlight specific posts on the Instagram widget 

IV. Instagram Reel Widget Analytics

  • Widget Views: See how many times your widget has been viewed.
  • Engagement Rate: Find out how much people interact with your widget’s content.
  • Total Posts: Know the overall number of posts displayed in the widget.
  • Total Impressions: Understand how many times widget content has been seen in total.
  • Total Visitors: Count how many different people have visited your widget.
  • Total Post Clicks: Learn how often visitors click on posts in the widget.

Why Marketers Are Embedding Instagram Reels To Websites?

We just introduced you to some of the key reasons why Instagram Reels can be the future of social media marketing. Now, let’s dig deeper and understand the wonders it would bring to your website.

Instagram Reels Statistics for Marketers to Know

  • Reels are Most Effective for Targeting Users Aged 18-34
  • You Can Reach 726.8 Million People with Instagram Reels Ads.

1. Enhance Your Social Media Presence

Instagram Reels help brands and content creators on Instagram enhance their reach. 

  • When brands & Instagram Influencers leverage the engaging Instagram Reels on websites & their social media profiles respectively, it will help them expand the visibility of their content. 
  • It attracts traffic to their social media platform and improves their Instagram presence.
  • Your website visitors who will come across the embedded Instagram widget on your web pages would want to engage with more of your content if they like it. 
  • They would visit your Instagram account, follow you and share your Reels with their friends and family members, boosting your reach exquisitely.

2. Add Transparency & Authenticity With UGC

A direct selling point of Instagram Reels for brands is the way it caters to authenticity. Your audience no longer wants those cliche product promotions pushed towards them. 

  • They are more interested in your brand and its community. Harness the power of user-generated content on your website through Instagram Reels.
  • You can initially embed Reels created by your customers, sharing their experiences with your brand. 
  • It will instill social proof in your customers, who would also feel encouraged to create user-generated Reels for you. 
  • You can organize hashtag campaigns, create trends on Reels, or collaborate with Influencers to encourage your customers to create UGC for you.

3. Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Collaborate with influencers or content creators who have an audience similar to your target audience. 

  • Let these influencers create product reviews, product hauls, and other brand-related content on Instagram Reels. 
  • While Instagram is an influencers’ playground, when you bring these Instagram Reels to your website, they act as a source of inspiration among your potential customers.
  • When potential customers watch the Reels on your eCommerce store and learn how your products work well in these influencers’ lifestyles, they will most likely buy your products. The whole idea is to turn the point of inspiration into conversion and user-generated content helps in that.

4. Scale-Up Website Performance

We all know how captivating Instagram Reels can be. Whenever we start watching these Reels, we are so hooked that we don’t stop unless we have gone through at least ten different forms of these short-format videos. 

  • Now, imagine if you could create a similar kind of impact on your audience with your content. 
  • When you leverage Instagram Reels on your website, it offers something unique and engaging to your audience. 
  • It creates a positive first impression and keeps the visitors on your website for longer, improving your website dwell time and decreasing bounce rates. Thus, boosting your website’s performance to the utmost level.

Tip: Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram

Understanding that Instagram’s algorithms prioritize recent content based on user interest and connections underscores the significance of identifying your users’ active periods.

Recognizing the optimal posting times can significantly impact your engagement outcomes, potentially distinguishing between hundreds and thousands of interactions.

To determine the prime posting time on Instagram, we examined multiple data studies conducted by social media tools and made a comparative analysis of the data provided below.

time to post Instagram reels

Also Read – Instagram Feed On Website Examples

Wrapping Up!

As we’ve explored in this guide, utilizing tools like the Taggbox Widget streamlines the process, enabling you to seamlessly integrate real-time content without any coding hassles. 

In conclusion, embedding Instagram Reels on website is a captivating way to enhance user engagement and keep your online presence dynamic. 

With Taggbox Widget’s user-friendly setup, responsive design, content moderation features, and built-in analytics, you can transform your website into an interactive platform that showcases the effect of embedding Instagram Reels, providing visitors with an immersive and visually appealing experience.

Embed Reels On Your Website Now!

  • Instagram Video
  • Instagram Reels

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The post How To Embed Instagram Reels On Website for Free? appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Community Building To Increased Website Engagement: The Leela’s Winning UGC Strategy Wed, 17 May 2023 12:55:09 +0000 The industry of luxury hospitality has been prevalent since the beginning of time, and it has a lot of competition. In times like today, standing out from the crowd and making yourself shine is crucial.   The Leela has built a community through the #ExploreWithTheLeela campaign and many other location-specific hashtags for all their 12 […]

The post Community Building To Increased Website Engagement: The Leela’s Winning UGC Strategy appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

The industry of luxury hospitality has been prevalent since the beginning of time, and it has a lot of competition. In times like today, standing out from the crowd and making yourself shine is crucial.  

The Leela has built a community through the #ExploreWithTheLeela campaign and many other location-specific hashtags for all their 12 properties in cities like Bangalore, Jaipur, Delhi, Mumbai, etc.

By leveraging these hashtags, The Leela has cultivated a loyal community, curated captivating user-generated content, and transformed guests into content creators, proudly displayed on their website with the help of Taggbox!

Let’s Explore Luxury with The Leela

the Leela Widget Gallery

Leela has been in the hospitality industry since 1986 and has luxurious properties in many destinations.

They are best known for their

  • award-winning restaurants showcasing culinary masterpieces,
  • exquisite spa sanctuaries for rejuvenation, and 
  • luxurious accommodations decorated with elegant furnishings, 

Discovering Client’s Expectations

Our client, The Leela Hotel, sought to enhance engagement on their social media platforms, focusing on increasing activity related to their hashtags. 

Their objective was to cultivate a dedicated community of followers who could potentially become valuable leads for their business. 

To gain insights into their customers’ experiences, they introduced the hashtag #ExploreWithLeela and many other location-specific hashtags like, #TheLeelaPalaceJaipur, and #TheLeelaPalaceNewDelhi for their different properties. This allowed their customers to share reviews, photos, and videos of their memorable moments at The Leela. 

The Leela was looking for an organized way to showcase this user-generated content on their website and socials to attract more customers and give their website visitors an authentic experience and review of what they can expect from their properties.

Harness The Power Of UGC In Hospitality

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Taggbox to the Rescue: How The Leela Transformed Challenges into Epic Wins!

With most people checking out user-generated content (UGC) before finalizing their bookings, harnessing UGC’s power has become essential for brands in hospitality. This is where Taggbox’s UGC Suite came into play for The Leela. 

It’s an absolute game-changer that lets you Collect, Manage,  Customize, and Publish your UGC on different marketing touchpoints. It also has a feature of UGC Rights that lets you protect your UGC legally and effortlessly and avoid copyright and GDPR issues.

With Taggbox, The Leela could organize content from 12 different locations into dedicated folders allowing for tailored web pages that delighted the guests. 

The Leela has also leveraged the collaborator feature of Taggbox, allowing multiple team members to manage a single account. They curated and showcased only top-tier content, delivering a refreshing and sensational experience to their audience.

The Leela’s Success

The Leela Testimonial

Taggbox worked its magic for The Leela, resulting in a collection of more than 1,00,000 user-generated content pieces on their oh-so-fancy branded hashtags from all of the digital space, and that’s not all! Taggbox also helped The Leela generate a whopping 15 million impressions, skyrocketing The Leela’s brand awareness. 

With Taggbox, The Leela collected up to 80,000 posts from social media platforms, creating a digital feast for the eyes. 

With the help of Taggbox’s analytics and moderation features, only the best content graced The Leela’s screens, providing an authentic and captivating experience for their guests.

Client Experience With Taggbox

Elevate Hospitality with Taggbox!

Here’s how hospitality brands get to ignite a world of limitless possibilities with Taggbox:

  • Taggbox aggregates social media content for hotels and resorts, showcasing positive guest experiences, reviews, and photos. This builds social proof, attracts customers, and boosts brand trust.
  • It helps moderate and filter hotel social media content, ensuring a high-quality display and enhancing the guest experience.
  • Taggbox also allows hotels and resorts to customize their social media walls and feeds to match their brand’s visual identity. This creates a seamless and engaging guest experience by aligning with their brand aesthetics.
  • It facilitates hashtag campaigns and contests for hotels and resorts, increasing brand visibility and engaging guests through user-generated content (UGC).
  • It provides analytics and insights for social media walls and feeds. It tracks engagement metrics, user activity, and guest preferences, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance guest satisfaction.
Harness The Power Of UGC In Hospitality
Free Trial

The post Community Building To Increased Website Engagement: The Leela’s Winning UGC Strategy appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

User-Generated Content: Marketing KPIs To Run ROI-Driven Campaigns Wed, 10 Aug 2022 08:17:10 +0000 Many brands are leveraging user-generated content as a solitary marketing strategy, as 86% find UGC the most effective content to showcase their brand’s authenticity. However, every successful marketing strategy begins with a target-oriented approach.  As a marketer, you must have a set of goals in your mind. Once your UGC campaign is live, these goals […]

The post User-Generated Content: Marketing KPIs To Run ROI-Driven Campaigns appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Many brands are leveraging user-generated content as a solitary marketing strategy, as 86% find UGC the most effective content to showcase their brand’s authenticity. However, every successful marketing strategy begins with a target-oriented approach. 

As a marketer, you must have a set of goals in your mind. Once your UGC campaign is live, these goals help you understand how well you laid out your marketing blueprint to reach your goals or achieve less/more than your set targets.

But how does one get to know that? It all becomes easier when calculating your UGC campaign’s return on investment. When you create an ROI-driven approach for your UGC marketing campaigns, it becomes easy to calculate your campaign’s success and helps you understand the areas you need to focus on.

Factors To Consider While Calculating UGC Campaign ROI:

  • Content creation costs
  • Revenue spent on paid social ads
  • Value of your visual content library
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Overall conversions 

So, how does one measure the ROI of their UGC Marketing campaigns? Here is your 101 guide to measuring the success & ROI of your marketing campaigns ft. UGC.

The Influence Of User-Generated Content On Today’s Consumer

Today’s consumer is someone who seeks transparency from brands. They turn a blind eye to flashy advertisements & marketing gimmicks and actively engage with content created by their fellow consumers

As a marketer, you can no longer push your brand to the masses, and that’s why brands have become more inbound with their marketing. 41% of marketers confirm inbound produces measurable ROI. Besides, user-generated content plays an important role in the inbound marketing cycle.

User-generated content holds the ability to attract, inspire, engage and convert a user single-handedly without even being too pushy. 79% of consumers say user-generated content strongly influences their purchasing decisions.

So what indicates the success of user-generated content marketing campaigns? Keep reading to learn about the KPIs for different marketing touchpoints.

UGC Campaign KPIs For Different Marketing Touchpoints

Wondering how you can measure the success of your user-generated content campaign? Well, the KPIs differ for each marketing touchpoint. That’s why we have decided to break it down for you.

1. UGC Campaign KPIs For Websites

  • Website Dwell Time: This is the average duration of time your website visitors stay on your website.
  • Bounce Rate(%): It can be indicated by calculating that out of the number of people who visited your website, who exited immediately.
  • CTA Click-through Rate: Number of clicks you receive on your website CTAs.

According to a 2021 study, Website Visitors spend 90% more time on websites that include UGC galleries, leading to lower bounce rates. That’s how Pedigree Australia improved its website performance with their #HOLLYWODselfie campaign that they embedded on their website.

2. UGC Campaign KPIs For Social Media

  • Profile Visits & Impressions: This indicates the number of social media users who came across your posts and were encouraged to visit your social profile.
  • Followers Growth Per Month: The number of followers you gain each month as you start your UGC campaigns.
  • Content Resharing: The number of people who found your social content intriguing enough to share with their followers.
  • Hashtag Reach: Many social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and YouTube offer you hashtag insights that tell you how many people are using your hashtags. This helps you track the performance of your UGC hashtag campaigns on social media.

Social campaigns that incorporate UGC see a 50% lift in engagement. Parookaville, a world-popular music festival from Germany, ran a social media campaign with #dreamscannotbecancelled for their concert during the pandemic and saw a major boost in engagement, profile visits, followers and more.

3. UGC Campaign KPIs For Email Campaigns

  • Email Click-Through Rates: This is the number of people who clicked on the links on your UGC email campaign compared to those who opened the email.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Many brands send automated cart abandonment emails to their customers. When incorporated with UGC, brands have witnessed 30% higher conversion.
  • Unsubscribe Rate: The number of email receivers who have unsubscribed from your email list.
UGC Email Campaigns

UGC drives a 73% increase in email click-through rates. For example, when Amazfit started using UGC in their emails, their click-through rates rose by an average of 8 per cent.

4. UGC Campaign KPIs For Social Ads

  • Profile Visits: The number of people who came across your social ad and clicked on your profile to explore more about your brand.
  • No. Of CTA Clicks: Every Social Ad comes with a CTA. If it’s ecommerce, it can be “Buy Now,” for applications, it can be “Install Now.” CTA clicks are a major KPI to indicate the success of UGC in your social ads.
  • Conversion & Sales: Out of the number of your target audience, all converted into your customer indicates this KPI.
Facebook Ads

Toyota increased its Facebook ad engagement by 440% using UGC with the launch of Feeling The Street – a global campaign highlighting and celebrating the world’s best street performers.

5. UGC Campaign KPIs For Ecommerce

  • Conversion rate: (the number of conversions/the total number of visitors) x 100. For example, if an ecommerce store receives 2000 visitors in a month and has 1500 sales, the conversion rate would be (1500/2000) x 100 = 75%.
  • Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate: 25% of users leave an abandoned cart when they don’t find a brand trustworthy. Incorporating trust-building user-generated content can improve your credibility and decrease cart abandonment.
  • CTAs’ Click-through Rate: Number of clicks you receive on your CTAs
  • Churn Rate: The rate at which customers stop doing business with a company over a given period of time. It can be calculated by:

Customer Churn Rate:

(Customers Beginning Of Month – Customers End Of Month) / Customers Beginning Of Month; Example, (600-450)/600 = 25%

Eureka Street Furniture UGC Gallery

Eureka Street Furniture received Monthly 2K Clicks, +15% Revenue, and +78% Engagement on their ecommerce store since the integration of Shoppable Instagram & UGC galleries.

6. UGC Campaign KPIs For Digital Displays

  • Engagement Rate/User Response Rate: When it comes to digital displays, engagement rate can be an umbrella term for many things. It varies depending on what you showcase on display and how your audience responds to that. It can be a QR code, your web pages, UGC Wall, etc.
  • Community Building: No. of audience members who got influenced to create UGC for your community.
Etihad Arena Event Wall
Photo Source: Etihad Arena

UGC fosters community building. When you showcase user-generated content on any digital screen, it creates social proof among the viewers, encouraging them to create UGC for you. For example, Etihad Arena leveraged UGC Social Wall to their space through large-size LCDs and Pillar Wraps and received an estimated 84,140 social media interactions and 1054 user-generated content collected within two days. 

Boost Your Marketing ROI With UGC

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Key Factors Indicating The Success Of UGC Marketing

Here we have laid out some key factors that indicate your user-generated content marketing campaign success. Of course, you can consider many aspects that differ per each brand’s unique goals; these factors help set the tone.

Lower Content Creation Cost

B2B marketers spend 39% of their marketing budgets on content. This budget majorly goes into content creation, especially on SaaS marketing strategies. You have to spend on professional photographers, models, content creators and more to build content from scratch every other day.

Guess what? You can eliminate all these steps with user-generated content, directly contact your brand’s UGC owners for rights and incorporate their content into your marketing. UGC has proven for brands to be a time & capital-saving asset.

Creating An Omnichannel Presence

User-generated content marketing is all about content re-purposing. You can repurpose the rich content created by your customers across any and every marketing touchpoint. It enables you to create an omnichannel presence, be it emails, web pages, social media, ads, digital displays, etc.

That’s the power user-generated content holds. It has proven to be effective & affective for brands to create an impactful omnipresence, keeping their customers’ voices front and centre. It’s all about bringing UGC beyond social media and boosting the ROI.

Winning Prospects Through Transparency

Millennials say that information received through UGC is trusted 50% more than information from other media sources. That’s because user-generated content is the honest and transparent voices of customers who have had their share of experiences with brands.

User-generated content helps brands grab the prospects’ attention and win their trust by offering content that’s far more reliable and unique than their competitors, making them stand-out. 

Building Deeper Brand-Customer Relationships

Creating marketing campaigns driven by user-generated content fosters community building and customer loyalty. User-generated content works as social proof, meaning everyone who interacts with your UGC campaign feels connected to your brand. As a result, it increases the chances of them choosing you over your competitors.

Not only that, but when your customers see how you have given them centre stage, they root for your brand, and the chances of them recommending your brand to their network get higher, turning them into your brand advocates.

Bringing In More Revenue

Incorporating UGC marketing is proving to bring more revenue for brands. That’s because, while conversion remains the end goal for brands, it is no longer just selling- it’s a marketing mix of user engagement, trust, retention, and more. And all this becomes more achievable with user-generated content marketing.

Authenticity speaks to consumers and inspires them to buy. 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions. This stat speaks volumes because consumers now prefer a true human voice over a perfectly crafted brand message. 

Customer Retention Rate

A brand’s success is not measured by the number of new customers they have received but rather by the number of existing customers who keep coming back to make multiple purchases. Now that involves a lot of factors, starting from the customer services you offer, your product quality, your brand image and more.

When leveraged throughout the customer journey, user-generated content can make all this seem easily attainable. From the beginning, when the customer interacts with your brand to the point they have made the final purchase and even after that, to keep the conversation going, user-generated content can play a huge role in customer retention.

Calling It A Wrap!

Well, now that you know the UGC Campaign for different marketing touchpoints and the key factors that indicate the success of UGC marketing, how about getting UGC in action? Book a demo with our UGC experts today!

Boost Your Marketing ROI With UGC

Learn More →

The post User-Generated Content: Marketing KPIs To Run ROI-Driven Campaigns appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

8 Strategies to Build Brand Trust Through Social Media Mon, 13 Jun 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Trying to build a secure marketplace for your brand? Brands invest a lot of time developing new products and the perfect marketing strategy to promote them among potential customers. Technological advancement and the emergence of social media have made it easier for brands to engage with their audience. But with so many brands emerging in […]

The post 8 Strategies to Build Brand Trust Through Social Media appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Trying to build a secure marketplace for your brand? Brands invest a lot of time developing new products and the perfect marketing strategy to promote them among potential customers. Technological advancement and the emergence of social media have made it easier for brands to engage with their audience.

But with so many brands emerging in the landscape, you need to have something that attracts your target audience. Not to mention how social media has become a predominant factor in influencing customers’ purchasing decisions and building an authentic brand image.

Here are eight effective strategies that your brand can use to build trust and attract customers through social media.

1. Maintain consistency with your brand’s voice

If you want to build a community across various social media networks, then make sure whatever you share on social media represents your brand and its ideology. Customers have swayed away about how you describe your product or services and what kind of images you share online.

You need to come up with unique and creative ideas about your brand to hold customers’ attention. However, if you are an established brand with a decent number of followers on social media, then the consistency will keep your product reputed.

2. Share unique and engaging content

If you want to show your audience that you are the initiator, post unique content on social media platforms. Not only does it drive traffic to your website, but it also reflects that you use your brand to share original ideas. Maintain a consistent pattern by keeping your content informative as well as non-promotional.

If you have a powerful presence on social media networks and post the content daily to build customers, then keep track of their needs too.
Don’t post similar and severe content every time because audiences’ viewpoints change daily.

Include some variations and fun elements in your content strategy to entertain and keep your audience engaged with your brand. This way, any brand or business can increase their followers and build trust among their followers. Moreover, it gives the customers an impression that you are your products’ content creator.

For instance, Wayfair,

Wayfair is an American e-commerce company that sells home goods. They post engaging content in a saturated space by sharing interesting photo captions and short videos, which helps promote user engagement. Moreover, they don’t stick to a particular pattern but instead, focus on trends and popular topics.

3. Utilize user-generated content

Over the past decade, customers and visitors have stopped appreciating promotional images or content created by professionals. Instead, they want to see authentic content and genuine people using a particular product as it assures the brand. So brands must encourage users to share their experiences on social media platforms.

Create a brand hashtag or a marketing hashtag campaign and give people a way to communicate with your business or brand. You can also leverage this hashtag to create a live hashtag feed that can be displayed across every marketing touchpoint using a social network aggregator tool like Taggbox. For example, Coca-Cola did it with its #ShareACoke campaign and generated huge user-generated content on social media.

Get more benefits from earned user-generated content by embedding social media streams on your business website or displaying them on a digital screen during events like product launches, concerts, conferences, in-store marketing campaigns and more. Use the best social aggregator tool to pull all social media user-generated content and create a social hub on your business website.

UGC #Shareacoke

A social hub keeps your website up-to-date and gives an attractive look so visitors can spend more time on your website. By embedding it on your website, you can encourage the customers to buy your product or services. Moreover, it reflects your brand’s success story. You can try Taggbox to create a social wall and collect all live social media feeds from social media platforms.

Let’s Engage Your Website Visitors

4. Live-stream your content

To create urgency about the product or services, live-stream your content on social media to attract customers. The live-stream content is only for a limited duration, which creates buzz about a product’s recent launch.

Live Stream

Live streaming increases audience participation as you can take time to connect with individuals one-to-one, and it helps you in building trust.

Followers on social media platforms want to join the live stream so they don’t miss out on something important. Although live streaming requires much effort and time, the outcome is huge, too. When live streaming, especially when prioritizing real-time interaction, make sure to test the HLS URL to avoid buffering, dropped frames, and a frustrating experience for viewers.

5. Avoid overdoing, be transparent

Transparency is essential to gaining the audience’s trust as it reflects your brand’s ideology. If you are transparent with the content you post, it reflects that you consider your brand as an authority and not using it for money-making only.

For instance, if a follower posts a complaint about a product on your social media page, it may feel right to delete that post. However, if you keep that post on your page, it shows that you are open to criticism and honest with your audience.

6. Stay online and give responses to reviews

For brands, it is very tough to maintain their online reputation on social media. Because social media is a platform where customers can directly connect with the brands and share their complaints, you should prepare for negative feedback because complaints on social media quickly gain momentum, and all the audience can see them. Therefore, create a strategy to deal with them – be honest, transparent, and never negatively treat any feedback. If you give proper and satisfactory responses to negative feedback quickly and positively, you can build more trust among customers for your brand.

Handle negative feedback:

  • Don’t argue with your customers on feedback
  • Be human with customers
  • Provide a helpful and satisfactory solution
  • Stay online and respond to them quickly

If your brand is easily accessible to your customers, it makes their tasks simple. Moreover, it motivates them to share their queries or complaints if they have any. Finally, it encourages the audience to engage in a conversation with your brand and assures them that you are accountable for your products, services, and customer service.

While responding to the customers’ posts, ensure you address them by their names. It shows them that you care about their reviews, and it will be a reward for them.

7. Organize contest alerts and giveaways

Who doesn’t like being rewarded? Most of us get excited about contesting alerts, especially when it’s one of the most preferred brands. Instagram has become a popular platform for contest alerts as it creates massive engagement among its followers.

Organizing giveaways are the best way to build trust among your followers, and the best part is that you don’t need to invest much in your product promotion.

You can know your product reviews by giveaway contest, and it transforms the followers into customers. However, remember the giveaways should be genuine as it increases customer trustworthiness.

8. Collaborate with influencers

Customers no longer trust the traditional marketing pattern. That’s why a customer takes a purchasing decision based on the influencers’ feedback.

If you are a brand, start building a relationship with influencers who can promote your product and generate authentic engagement with the customers on social media.

Influencer marketing

Because customer purchasing decision relies on expert opinions, many brands have started implementing influence marketing in their strategy.

The influencers have already established themselves, so it becomes easy for them to influence the customers and turn them into potential customers.

Collaborating with the influencers is cost-effective, too, as you don’t need to spend much money promoting your product. In addition, influencers can quickly increase your brand’s sales and build customer trust.

Also Read: Influencer Marketing Guide 2022


According to PwC’s Global Consumer Insights Survey, there has been a change in the way brands deal with customers and respond to their queries. They reached out to 22,000 consumers in 27 territories across the globe and asked the customer what factors other than price were important to them. Almost one in three answered ‘trust’ as an essential element in choosing a brand.

Gaining your audience’s trust can be quite tricky. Especially when we see so many brands emerging in the digital space. Here we have shared eight sure-fire ways to boost your brand authenticity with social media.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started already!

The post 8 Strategies to Build Brand Trust Through Social Media appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

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Personalization vs. UGC: Smart Choice To Trigger Modern Shoppers Mon, 13 Jun 2022 06:48:00 +0000 Personalization and user-generated content are two essential components of showcasing your brand’s story. With the growing need for customized and individualized content, marketers use this personalization feature to alter the content per the targeted audience. 93% of businesses with advanced personalization strategies experienced a boost in their revenue.  On the other hand, UGC being the […]

The post Personalization vs. UGC: Smart Choice To Trigger Modern Shoppers appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Personalization and user-generated content are two essential components of showcasing your brand’s story.

With the growing need for customized and individualized content, marketers use this personalization feature to alter the content per the targeted audience. 93% of businesses with advanced personalization strategies experienced a boost in their revenue. 

On the other hand, UGC being the most authentic content to be displayed for promotions and advertisements is the new hype of the growing online market. 85% of consumers find visual UGC more influential than brand photos or videos.

Online retailers and marketers are stuck in this vicious circle to choose which out of two goes well with the modern shoppers and matches their interests and needs.

Here are some points that reflect the boon of both the marketing strategies, which online marketers should consider.

Content Personalization 

Content personalization is the strategy that centres around the interest of the customers for delivering the targeted content that is relevant to the customer’s motivation and desires.

It provides tailored content that has the potential to influence the purchasing behaviour of shoppers.

Personalized Content Pie Chart

It is a thin line of action to convert potential customers into real customers by furnishing and customizing the content that exhibits the brand’s aesthetics.

Advantages Of Personalizing The Content

One of the most significant advantages is that it provides the most relevant content to the customers to engage them individually. It is the more refined content that the customers have access to. It connects with each customer individually based on his interests and needs. 

Another advantage is that it shapes and redesigns the content according to customer data platform and technology, which helps build a strong customer profile with the segmented and sophisticated display.

Let’s take the example of Amazon. It is one of the best e-commerce sites that use personalization, which has resulted in amazing customer experience and engagement.

It personalizes its homepage according to the customers’ desires and past search results, making it easy for them to explore and discover the products they are interested in.

Amazon and even Facebook have also utilized this feature for a long time. It displays a personalized feed like targeted advertisements, relevant updates, news, and posts from your friends.

Disadvantages of Personalized Content

With the growing popularity of e-commerce stores, there have been many issues of data privacy prevailing across the globe. As a result, website visitors hesitate to log in to the online stores, which ask them to provide additional and excess information.

Online marketers should balance limited and extreme information to enhance users’ engagement. 

User-Generated Content

Any content (images, videos) created by the brand’s users showcasing their experience with the brand is called user-generated content.

It is the most authentic, trustworthy, and reliable form of content. As a result, it has overshadowed all the marketing strategies and has emerged as the most successful marketing trend. 

GoPro Instagram

It has rolled over the feeds of almost all the brands to make their social media and online stores a perfect destination to shop for modern shoppers. Why? Because people trust the recommendations of general users as compared to branded promotions and advertisements.

Also Read – User-Generated Video Content Guide

Advantages Of User-Generated Content

User-Generated Content is the most legitimate way of advertising that adds credibility to the brands, making it an undeniable choice for the customers.

By displaying the realistic images of the products that genuine customers have posted, it has proven to influence over 90% of customers’ purchase decisions.

It would be wrong to say that people trust word-of-mouth over any marketing tactic nowadays, and UGC is the internet’s word-of-mouth that makes your great customers’ experiences visible.

User-generated content pie chart

Using this UGC, brands can also create shoppable content that can streamline the customers’ purchase path, giving them a smooth shopping experience.

The most famous brands like ReeBok and Calvin Klein are among the best ecommerce UGC examples that utilize UGC to show narrative and honest recommendations on their online platforms to create a more extensive customer base.

Therefore, this marketing trend is the ultimate way to groom your brand by personifying it with genuine word-of-mouth recommendations. In addition, it builds trust for the brands and displays the aesthetics of your brand through customer stories. 

It is also the most cost-effective way of advertising that enhances the users’ engagement with the brands and yields higher rates of revenue and sales.

Disadvantages Of User-Generated Content

UGC marketing can sometimes take a steep turn by heading toward influencer marketing, which results in excessive and overpriced decisions for the brand. 

Another disadvantage of exhibiting UGC is the content privacy of the content creators.

It sometimes gets complex as repurposing the content without legal permission from its creators drags the brands into challenging situations like copyright infringement issues.

To avoid getting involved in such legal actions, many rights management tools can help the brands ask for their permission rightfully and legally.

Also Read – Benefits of User-Generated Content in Marketing

A Smarter Decision To Plump On!

While moving in coordination with this fast-forward world, marketers need to score a success by delivering modern-day customers’ longing urge.

The UGC marketing trend is the way to get over the customer’s desires. Vibrant and customized images of the branded products attract potential customers, but the genuine images of the existing customers trigger them to purchase.

UGC is the marketing vehicle that will lead to the brand’s growth and success by expanding the customer reach and enhancing their engagement and interaction with the brand. 

As it is rightly said by Warren Buffett, “Any business that has delighted customers has a salesforce out there.”

Turn UGC Into Marketing Success

Start Free Trial

The post Personalization vs. UGC: Smart Choice To Trigger Modern Shoppers appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

The Influence Of User-Generated Content Throughout The Customer Journey Tue, 17 May 2022 06:32:00 +0000 User-generated content has always been around the corner. But it was only until recently that marketers and businesses identified ways to utilize this content to enhance customers’ experience and their journey with brands. One thing is clear: it has become a consumer behavior to look for reviews or real-life experiences around products before purchasing them […]

The post The Influence Of User-Generated Content Throughout The Customer Journey appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

User-generated content has always been around the corner. But it was only until recently that marketers and businesses identified ways to utilize this content to enhance customers’ experience and their journey with brands.

One thing is clear: it has become a consumer behavior to look for reviews or real-life experiences around products before purchasing them because these experiences are the only trustworthy entities for internet users. 

UGC brings a shared emotional connection among consumers, even if they are not even partially acquainted with each other, making it the most influential among the marketing strategies.

So! Let’s understand the impact of user generated content before we dwell upon the ways to leverage UGC throughout the customer journey.

The Impact Of User-Generated Content 

More than 86% of companies today use user-generated content as part of their marketing strategy. What does that mean for you? Does someone create content for your brand? 

Well, UGC is any content that a customer, client, or audience member makes about your brand or your product. You can use it and turn customers into your brand ambassadors.  

You could tell people what you want them to think of your brand, but the truth is, you don’t get to decide. Having your users, customers, or clients talk about you is a way to generate positive brand awareness. In fact, 86% of millennials consider UGC to be a good indicator of the quality of a brand.

User-generated content

Another reason user-generated content is so powerful is that it feels more authentic, and authenticity builds trust. 92% of people trust recommendations from a friend over branded content, even if both are saying the same thing. That’s because we want to feel a sense of familiarity that we know the person in front of us.

Above all, user-generated content builds community. As humans, we want to feel that connection to other people, and we love to find what unites us, even if it’s just that we all use the same brand of deodorant. The most powerful brands are the ones that have managed to build a connected tribe. 

Story Time: 

With Starbucks, it started as a joke when one of the baristas misspelled a customer’s name, and they posted about it on social media. Many Starbucks customers related to it, and it became a trend to post the picture of the Starbucks cup, with the misspelled names.

And to contribute, Starbucks made the baristas deliberately misspell the customers’ names. This incident helped Starbucks with a social media presence, brand awareness, and advertising that the brand itself could have never managed. 

Well, now that you have understood the power of user-generated content, you must be feeling tempted to try it out.

It’s time to master ways to leverage user-generated content throughout your customers’ journey. And make it so impactful that they keep coming back for multiple purchases.

Why Improving Customer Journey Is Important?

The most significant ingredient in a brand’s success story is the kind of customer experience they have offered. From the moment your customer interacts with your brand for the first time till they make the final purchase with you, you need to provide a solid reason why they must come back to you to make another purchase and not go to your competitor. Also, bring their friends with them.

Here are the reasons why you should focus on improving the customer journey:

Customer Journey Statistics

Now that you know the importance of improving customer experiences, keep reading to know how UGC can help you achieve it!

Leverage User-Generated Content Throughout The Customer Journey

Brand Awareness With Comforting UGC

Believe it or not, relatability and familiarity are what online consumers are seeking. You must provide these consumers with something attractive and trustworthy. What can be better than learning about a brand from peers?

71% of consumers agree that customer reviews make them more comfortable buying a product, while 82% of consumers consider user-generated reviews extremely valuable.

Drive your potential customers towards your brand with authentic user-generated content that creates brand awareness so that they choose you from the endless pool of brands like yours. Your product may not be unique, but your content can be with UGC.

With so many brands rising in the digital space, user-generated content will enable you to stand out in this wave of competition and create the perfect first impression as your customers begin their consumer journey with you.

Affective & Effective Advertising On Social Media

When we say affective advertising, we mean something that touches the customers’ hearts and moves them. And when we say effective advertising, we mean something that’s result-driven. User-generated content is a blend of both.  

Many social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide promotional features like Facebook ads and Instagram ads. You can utilize user-generated content to reach more customers. Repost UGC on your Instagram and Facebook business accounts and use them as ads.

UGC for social ads

The promotional features provide filters that you can use to make your promotions target-specific, like the age group, gender, demographics, or the type of brands they engage with. It will help you directly reach your brand consumers and engage them, contributing to their customer journey. 

Not just that, when your loyal customers will get to know how much importance you’re giving to your consumers’ experiences, they’d want to contribute by creating more UGC for you.

Must Read – Leverage UGC In Your Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaign

Engaging Website Experience

Till now, you have created brand awareness and encouraged consumers to visit your website using authentic advertising practices with user-generated content. But the real deal is whether they are going to find your website engaging enough, or would they give it enough time to explore and understand your brand.

Enhance your customers’ journey as they stop by your website by embedding the engaging social media widget on your website. Social media is the first love of every internet user. To ensure you serve them well, you must include widgets with embedded social media posts created by your customers. 

UGC for website

You can sign up with the Taggbox widget that provides a feature to collect social media content using a hashtag, handle, mentions, etc. Once done, you can use its moderation feature to filter out the irrelevant or repeated content so that you are only left with some rich UGC, ready to embed as a UGC widget on your website. 

Not to forget, you can also beautify your widget with filters, fonts, themes, and templates provided by the Taggbox widget to seamlessly leverage UGC on your customers’ journey.

Seamless Shopping With UGC Galleries 

If you want to impress consumers, your services must be seamless and user-friendly. It is the era of the Gen-Z, where users prefer things to be quicker, so you want something that’s more compatible with the masses. 

That’s why you need shoppable UGC galleries that work as an all-in-one aspect of your ecommerce website. Your website visitors no longer have to go through your entire website to explore products or look for reviews. 

Shoppable UGC

48% of consumers claim that user-generated content is a great method for them to discover new products. They can simply explore all your products on the UGC gallery, equipped with content created by your customers, and embedded on your website. 

Not just that, these shoppable UGC galleries come with product tags; website visitors can click on them to make direct purchases, shortening the purchase path. It enhances the customer experience and encourages them to visit again.

Utilize Email Marketing

Create emails with user-generated content. User-generated content drives a 73% increase in email click-through rates. Send rich and authentic emails with UGC to customers on your list. Increase the chance of your customers’ interaction with your brand while they are on their customer journey, giving you more possibilities to leverage user-generated content while they are at it.

Up to 80% of reviews originate from follow-up emails urging shoppers to review their purchases. Sending emails is a more polite and considerate way to ask customers to give their feedback, rather than aggressively sending them messages or website pop-ups that interrupt their everyday digital activities. 

UGC on email

You can also add discount codes that the customers can avail themselves of once they give their review. It makes the process rewarding for them and enlocks a future purchase by them.

Above all, when you take out time to ask your customers about their experience with your brand, and you use these reviews in your marketing campaigns, your customers feel special and realize what importance they hold for you, giving the perfect ending to their customer journey that is actually the beginning of the customers’ loyalty for your brand.

User-Generated Content Success Story:

Eureka Street Furniture: Shoppable Instagram & UGC Galleries 

Eureka Street Furniture is an Australian brand that makes home decor and furnishing affordable for all. But, for an online furniture store, it isn’t easy to gather customers’ trust and give them the idea of how the furniture would look in their house or complement their home perfectly.

That’s when Shoppable Instagram & UGC galleries by Taggbox Commerce came into the picture and gave it some unique colors. 

With Taggshop, Eureka Street furniture curated user-generated posts from Instagram using hashtags and mentions and tagged products to the UGC posts and then published this Shoppable UGC gallery as a new landing page called Inspiration. They also published another Shoppable Instagram feed.

UGC on online store

Eureka Street experienced 2000 monthly clicks on shoppable posts/CTAs, 500K views on the Homepage gallery, and 260K post engagements. Both the shoppable image galleries received 15% more conversions and a 78% higher user engagement rate. 

The conversion rate from Shoppable UGC Inspiration Gallery is 12% which is way higher than the industry average. 

Also Read – User-Generated Video Content Guide


A good customer journey is no longer a jigsaw puzzle as user-generated content has arrived as the largest puzzle piece that can create a perfect customer journey picture by itself. 

User-generated content has many discovered and undiscovered benefits, making it the ultimate strategy that has forced brands to take a 180-degree turn with their marketing plans.

We have now reached the end of this blog, where you got to know about the impact of user-generated content and how you can leverage it in the customer journey to enhance their experience and convert them into your loyal assets. 

Remember, a brand’s success is measured by the number of multiple visits by satisfied customers and not the number of new customers.

Leverage User-Generated Content in Customer Journey

Know More→

The post The Influence Of User-Generated Content Throughout The Customer Journey appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Social Media Photobooth For Events: Taggbox Display x Snapbar Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:57:18 +0000 Virtual events often lack human interactions as the attendees participate from their comfort zones, literally staring at their screens. So, keeping the virtual event attendees active, let alone awake, is a real struggle for organizers. Taggbox Display joins hands with Snapbar to overcome this and boost virtual event engagement and interaction to 3X.  Taggbox Display […]

The post Social Media Photobooth For Events: Taggbox Display x Snapbar appeared first on Taggbox Blog.

Virtual events often lack human interactions as the attendees participate from their comfort zones, literally staring at their screens. So, keeping the virtual event attendees active, let alone awake, is a real struggle for organizers.

Taggbox Display joins hands with Snapbar to overcome this and boost virtual event engagement and interaction to 3X. 

Taggbox Display Social Wall has delivered some engaging experiences at different virtual events. In addition, Snapbar’s virtual photobooth has also kept virtual event attendees hooked throughout. 

With these two platforms coming together, one can imagine the heights and possibilities the virtual event organizers could reach by incorporating the social media photo booth for events. 

Keep reading to explore it all!

About Taggbox Display

Taggbox display offers complete solutions for creating and displaying user-generated content, social media walls, and social media ticker during virtual events to engage audiences, drive leads, and boost growth.

Taggbox Display For Virtual Events

Virtual event organizers can integrate live UGC & social feeds to their virtual event streams and maximize online user engagement, social exposure, & entertainment- all with a single platform.

Here are some stand-out features offered by Taggbox Display:

  • Fetch content from 18+ social platforms in real-time;
  • Easy customization & moderation;
  • In-built Studio to integrate QR codes, web pages, infotainment apps, etc.;
  • SnapUp that eliminate social media, increasing content creation;
  • Highlight sponsored content;
  • In-depth audience insights & performance analytics;

About Snapbar

Snapbar develops intuitive, web-based products leveraging the power of photo and video to engage and connect people. Their virtual photo booth is fully customizable and embeddable, working seamlessly across all devices.

Snapbar Photobooth platform

Increase and enhance content creation for all event attendees, in-person or virtual, by making it just a QR code scan away. It’s a perfect solution for brands and event organizers to generate more content around any activation or event. You can check out their online demo experience here.

Snapbar is regularly adding new features and solutions, including:

  • Virtual Photo Booth
  • Corporate Headshots
  • Video Booth
  • Fully customizable experiences
  • Direct and easy integrations (like with Taggbox!)

How Does Social Media Photobooth Work?

Taggbox Display Social Wall offers an in-built Studio that enables users to integrate scannable QR codes along with their Social Wall. When a virtual event organizer incorporates Taggbox Display Social Wall and Snapbar photo booth into their event, here’s how they work:

  • The attendees can scan the QR code. 
  • They will automatically be redirected to the Snapbar photobooth page on their smartphones; 
  • They can use creative filters and themes to capture and upload their pictures.

That’s all! The Snapbar photo booth content will automatically appear on the Taggbox Display Social Wall. 

The win-win here is that virtual event organizers can now showcase social media content on the social wall. In addition, they can also add the element of “fun” photobooth content, offering the attendees unique ways to interact and engage.

Taggbox Display x Snapbar: The Present & Future Of Virtual Events Engagement

As Taggbox Display & Snapbar integrate to bring the evolution of social media photo booth into action, here are some of the promising benefits virtual event attendees can expect from them.

Photobooth App

A Continuous Flow Of Audience Engagement

This integration between Snapbar and Taggbox Display allows virtual event organizers to give their audience unique and user-friendly ways to share content around the virtual event. 

If they wish to share a social media post, they can use the event’s unique hashtag while posting. If they don’t want to use social media, they can scan the available QR code and access the Snapbar photo booth to share direct content.

The best part about a social wall is that it updates in real-time. So no matter how your audience creates and shares content, it will automatically appear on the social wall, creating a continuous flow of audience interaction.

Generate 3x More Virtual Event Content

A social wall and a photobooth are a perfect blend to generate an uninterrupted content stream. Social wall x photo booth in your virtual event works as a bandwagon effect. 

When your virtual event attendees come across the social photo booth wall and realize how much fun other attendees have, both on social media and with the exceptional Snapbar filters, they are naturally hooked.

It encourages more people to create content for you. More content would mean more user-generated content for your marketing campaigns and better visibility for your virtual event on social media.

Generate Branded User-Generated Content

Taggbox Display Social Wall and Snapbar Photo Booth enable brands to create branded experiences for virtual events. You get several themes, colours, fonts, layouts, and other customization options on your Taggbox Display dashboard to build a social wall that blends well with your brand or virtual event’s theme.

Similarly, Snapbar also offers customizable stickers, branded frames, and changeable backgrounds that you can create as per your brand’s theme. 

It is a great way to encourage your virtual event audience to create branded content for you that you can repurpose for your future marketing campaigns.

Must Read: User-generated Content: The Best Event Marketing Strategy

Explore this article about social media photobooths for events, which can be a creative way to capture engaging office headshots.


Captivating attendees in virtual events and increasing engagement is no longer hypothetical. Taggbox Display Social Wall and Snapbar photo booth have come together to show you how it’s done. 

If you wish to invest in something for max ROI in your virtual event, this collaboration between Taggbox Display and Snapbar is the one for you.

For further assistance, contact our team at

The post Social Media Photobooth For Events: Taggbox Display x Snapbar appeared first on Taggbox Blog.
